Largest Grant Round Yet!!

The Mockingbird Foundation has announced eighteen (18) new grants totaling $136,158, the largest competitive disbursement in the Foundation’s history. Mockingbird, a nonprofit founded and run by volunteer Phish fans, has now disbursed 624 grants totaling more than $2.3M to...

Mockingbird Tops $2M in Grants!

The Mockingbird Foundation has announced fourteen (14) new grants totaling $109,850, once again among the largest disbursements in the Foundation’s history. Mockingbird, a nonprofit founded and run by Phish fans, has now disbursed more than two million dollars in...

Mockingbird Tops 500 Grants !!

The Mockingbird Foundation, an all-volunteer nonprofit founded and run entirely by Phish fans, has now made more than five hundred (500) grants in music education. This morning, the Foundation announced fifteen (15) new grants totaling $113,600. Mockingbird’s 26th round...

Mockingbird Grants Top $1.6M

The Mockingbird Foundation, an all-volunteer nonprofit founded and run entirely by Phish fans, has announced twenty (20) new grants totaling $141,263 in support of music education for children. This is Mockingbird’s 24th round of competitive grants, and the largest...

Round 25 Inquiries Open

The Mockingbird Foundation is now accepting inquiries for its 25th Round of competitive grants in music education for children. Inquiry submission will close August 1st at 11:59 p.m. PDT, successful inquiries will be invited to submit full proposals in...