Please help! Your tax-deductible donations to the Mockingbird Foundation fund music education for children with almost no overhead: We keep administrative costs below 5% of net proceeds by having no salaries, paid staff, or office. For each dollar you donate, essentially the entire dollar goes to fantastic organizations that benefit greatly from whatever generosity you can muster! And as demonstrated by the diverse set of outstanding recipients of the grants awarded to date, the Foundation applies a rigorous review process that insures your donations are wisely used to support high quality, innovation music education programs.

    • We prefer that donations be made online via our secure website, using a credit card or bank account. Donations may also be made through PayPal to with either a Paypal account or a credit card or directly at
    • Checks may be mailed to the Mockingbird Foundation at 12407 Willow Grove Court, Moorpark, CA 93021-2758.
    • Employer matches may be available to you (through Benevity, CyberGrants, EasyMatch, YourDonation, or some other service), and we are happy to provide the Foundation’s TIN/EIN (16-1529562) and 510(c)3 determination letter for their approval.
  • Stocks and Bitcoin can now be accepted, through several paths.
  • You can also round-up credit cards charges via  Cheerful Giving (formerly BStow).

Subscription donations: In addition to the more than 3,386 one-time donors to the Mockingbird Foundation, 1,276 people have made multiple donations at some point since 1997. (The chart to the right excludes three outliers, who gave 199, 211, and 443 times!*) We encourage you to consider setting up a recurring contribution, whether through Neon or PayPal. Subscription donations allow you to contribute as little as two dollars ($2) per month, accruing over time to substantial support. These automated regular contributions let you support music education on an ongoing basis, in smaller increments that build over time, without having to think about it again.


Memorial donations have been made to the Mockingbird Foundation upon the untimely passing of a number of loved and lost Phish fans. We are, when asked, honored to create a memorial page for such a purpose. Contact our executive director, Ellis Godard, at

Acknowledgments will be sent by formal email and by postal mail when that is available but email address is not. For donors acknowledged via email, the Foundation will be happy, upon request, to provide a postal letter for tax purposes. Acknowledgments are also made via this website, unless anonymity is requested, and in specified increments.

  * Figures and chart current as of 6/6/22.