As an entirely volunteer organization, The Mockingbird Foundation could not do what it does without volunteers. Many people invest significant time, care, and effort, often behind the scenes, curating intellectual property, coordinating events, developing services and relationships, improving the Foundation’s capacities, and ultimately advancing our core mission of funding music education for children.

Increasingly, this involves people who are outside of the formal structure of the board but whose exceptional efforts provide critical support. They are due our appreciation and your awareness. We therefore identify a group of such people, each November, as Mockingbird Ambassadors.

The 2017 Mockingbird Ambassadors are as follows:

  • Ali Stone has orchestrated and administered online marketing efforts for the third edition of The Phish Companion.
  • Brian Feller manages the Foundation’s and’s Twitter accounts, as well as the Foundation’s Facebook page.
  • Chris Glushko has provided critical expertise, guidance, and strategy in marketing the third edition of The Phish Companion.
  • Christy Articola coordinates and publishes Surrender to the Flow, which has provided ongoing support in many ways through the years.
  • Kat Griffin has worked for nearly two decades cultivating relationships with photographers and curating photography for’s homepage as well as for The Phish Companion.
  • Kevin “Joonze” Lambert is a central and respected member of the forum community who, among things, has coordinated massive donation campaigns each December.
  • Pete Mason has run the Phanart website and events for many years, providing direction donations, promotional support, and special events for the benefit of the Foundation.
  • Pete Skewes-Cox has contributed substantially to the curation of’s Jam Charts as well as setlists, assisted in moderation of the forum, and posted many of the Mystery Jam Mondays blog posts.
  • Stephen Blackstone is one of only two people involved in coding, including a complete rebuild of the site’s forum.
  • Steve Paolini has for many years played a central role in the acquisition, curation, and editing of the Foundation’s song histories, setlists, and other intellectual property.

We are honored by their involvement, and the ongoing support of so many more. The Mockingbird Foundation would not be what it is, or do what it does, without each of these people, and many more. Thank you, each and all!